"Hand and brain together create and analyze."
This was Rewi Alley's philosophy when he founded the Shandan Bailie School in 1944.
It remains the core concept at the school today.


Ida Pruitt and Rewi Alley met in the late 1930s. Ida was instrumental in acquiring funding
(via Indusco) for Rewi's cooperatives as well as the original Shandan Bailie school.
Read more about Ida Pruitt.  Read Articles about Shandon Balilie Shool

The Ida Pruitt Memorial Scholarship Project Right click link to read more about the Ida Pruitt Memorial Project  in this PDF Brochure
is dedicated to funding students at the Shandan Bailie School in remote Gansu, China.

The Project targets low-income, secondary school students whose goal is to learn a vocation or profession in order to help support their families and communities. Scholarships are funded through individual and corporate contributions of any amount; however, $150.00 (U.S.) will cover one student’s yearly living expenses and school materials. 

School Visit Report by Dr. Marjorie King

  NEW WAY TO DONATE!Donate on-line at Education in Gansu, China: A Project of the Ida Pruitt Memorial Fund 

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Shandan Bailie School in Gansu, China

Shandon Bailie School - Chinese Glyphs

Helping a young woman with her schooling through the Ida Pruitt Scholarship Project can provide hope. Please read  

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